Simmer down. We went to Indiana. tee hee
This is how it started off though:
Yup. That’s how we pack it up for the weekend.
We went at the insistence of our neighbors to enjoy the awesomeness that is southern Indiana. Down there in the bottom between Evansville, IN and Louisville, KY is Santa Claus, Indiana. There really isn’t anything around but we went for what was inside. We checked in to the Lake Rudolph campgrounds. I couldn’t make this up if I tried take a look.
We rented RVs to stay in and just like at home we had two other families with us right next door.

We traveled with six adults, six children, three cars, and enough crap to fully stock three houses for four days. Sheesh!
We set up our temporary homes the first night. Then early the next morning we enjoyed a community breakfast and headed straight for the fun. Holiday World!!! I, of course, do not have pictures of this entire day because it was spent in a water park or on a roller coaster. I would invest in one of those waterproof jobbies but as I have said before I am no professional. Besides, I was having way too much fun to stop and click. This wonderland has won more awards for both the park and individual rides than I can name. The Travel Channel has included two of our favorite rides in their top ten shows just this month. Which brings me to the scarring of our youngest child.
We Arrived just before the water park opened. Enjoyed a free soda (they were everywhere! free sunscreen stations too!!!) while we waited for the gates to open. Then we were off! Let me admit that this is the first water park I have ever been to. I have lived within driving distance to one my whole life but busy schedules, tight budgets, and poor body image has always kept me away. So it was a first for many of us on our trip. Ok, just me and four kids under 8. Whatever. So needless to say we were super excited.
We headed for this ride called the Wildebeest. (side note: we made jokes about how they spelled the name wrong. thought sure it was spelled like beast. looks like the joke is on me. duh.) It has been voted #1 water coaster in many different publications. It is long, scary, and shit fast. Here’s what the park has to say:
Wildebeest begins with a conveyor ride up the water coaster’s lifthill. Following the four-story drop at a 45-degree angle, linear induction motors (LIMs) propels the four-person boats up seven additional hills, through two underground tunnels, and around a helix. Wildebeest covers more than two acres; its top speed is 36 feet per second. Wildebeest’s tallest elevation is 64 feet higher than its lowest drop and takes longer than two minutes to complete.
So after dropping the littlest kiddos and one parent off at the wave pool the rest of us agreed this was gonna be killer. Even my little guy wanted to ride. He just met height requirements and frankly- I had no idea. He took off in the raft ahead of ours with my hubby and I went with our older son. This ride was crazy! You had to almost lay in it toboggan style, it got so much air I was freaked, and the drops were so massive I couldn’t find the air to scream. There was water splashing in your face while trying to hang on to the handles, which along with the help of physics was the only thing keeping you in. It was rough. And awesome… until we got off. My big dude was all “I don’t think I ever want to do that again” and my little dude was pale. I am pretty sure it scared the piss out of him. We all made a big deal about how much fun we had but he stood still, pouting, and when I asked him if he were ok he punched my leg and started to bawl. Poor little guy. My husband and I were instantly handed our “Parents of the Year” plaque and sent on vacation to Hawaii for being such awesome role models. Not really.
In reality little dude spent the rest of the day being unable to trust us. Bummer. We assured him that everything else was lame compared to the Wildebeest but would you trust us after that? Neither did he. We did talk him into a few, then a few more, and I think by the end of the day he had a pretty good time.
We hit the rollercoaster side after lunch. The girls got stuck with the little dudes and the guys took our daredevil tweens on the big coasters with them. This caused a minor “hey no fair” riff that the guys were almost oblivious to but in the end I didn’t mind. I get all wobbly and pukey after big coasters anymore. I used to be just like those daredevil tweens but in my old age I think I over think it and make myself sick. Whatev.
Back to the RV!!!

All prepared for an awesome dinner after eight hours of exhausting fun and it starts a torrential downpour. So after a change of plans or two we were on to plan C in which we eat tomorrow’s lunch for dinner. So… twelve tired and starving people ate in a tiny trailer. The most amazing thing? We were stuffed, happy, and comfortable. I am convinced that with this posse I could take over the world!
The next day we hung around the campground. With a beer in hand we spent the whole day at 12mph. This is a golf car community!
We swam.
We cruised.

We golfed.

Then it hit me as we were playing that I would be totally absent in the memories of this trip if I stayed behind this dang camera. I asked my son (the older one!) to snap a picture of Mommy so I could be in the album too. I get this:

“Take another in case the first didn’t turn out”…
Seriously?!?! Are you f*king kidding me?! I cracked up and explained that it would be nice to see Mommy’s face in a photo. Though it is pretty hard to mistake my awesome physique for anyone else. I am a pretty unique shape. Ugh.
Here’s one of me. I swear I was there!
Yep, that’s a disco ball.
Then that night there was a golf car parade around the campground. Everyone showed. We broke records. All the carts were decorated. What a blast!

Party by the fire that night. Threw in my flip-flops. Then after breakfast we caravanned home. Since we weren’t quite sick of each other yet we sat out that night and over a couple beers we started planning next year. I can’t wait!